Wasteless Wednesday | Bulk Pantry Items — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Wasteless Wednesday | Bulk Pantry Items

Wasteless Wednesday | Bulk Pantry Items


Every Wednesday, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways to work toward a zero waste 24 hours in the kitchen. These tips are easy to implement, affordable (anyone else a fan of saving $$$?), and kind to our planet.

Sometimes the most delicious meals come from the simplest ingredients. Chicken and rice cooked with lemon and white wine, for example. Or chili that has been lightened up with the addition of quinoa instead of meat. I love, love, LOVE meals that let humble pantry ingredients shine. As a result, I tend to keep my kitchen stocked with grains, dried beans, split peas...give me all the bulk pantry items! Here's the deal: bulk pantry items are way better than prepackaged because they are easier to store and they produce less waste IF you bring your preferred method of storage with you and pass on the plastic bags. Glass jars are the perfect solution for so many things and this is just one item on a long list. Yes, you have to remember to bring your jar to the store with you. But you know what? That's a small price to pay for showing our earth a little extra love. I love these Weck jars, but big ol mason jars are perfect (and way cheaper)! 

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