Back to School: 7 Easy Ways to Prepare — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Back to School: 7 Easy Ways to Prepare

Back to School: 7 Easy Ways to Prepare

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-to-School | Set the Table

I know, I know. It is still summer so why am I bringing up the start of the school year?! Here's the deal. The first day of school is coming and with it a rush of full calendars and driving from here to there and navigating all the paperwork that comes home. Oh, and while all of that is going on you also have to make sure your family is fed, clothed, and well-rested. No problem, right? RIGHT?! 

Deep breaths. Deep. Calming. Breaths. 

I know it can feel like a lot, but if you go through this little list as the last weeks of summer go by, you'll be able to get your family (and yourself) off to a good start. 

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-To-School | Set the Table

1. Make one or two bulk items for your kitchen. This pancake mix is excellent to have on hand. You can also use it to whip up these beautiful Pumpkin Coconut Pancakes! And these mason jar smoothie kits are excellent to have on hand for busy mornings when you or your kiddos need a nutritional boost! 

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-To-School | Set the Table

2. Sort the things. This can be such a big task. And it may need to be different things for different people. But before school starts, I like to sort through any remaining school papers from the previous year so that I can have space for what will come in during the new school year. I love Emily Ley's strategy, which is to keep only the best, most special works of art. The rest gets added to ArtKive and recycled or thrown away. 

3. Deal with the clothes. Kids. Am I right? They just grow and grow until their clothes don't fit and then they need new clothes and it feel like this happens every two weeks. So, this time of year is a great time to sift through the clothes in the closet and donate or box up what doesn't fit. There, doesn't that feel better? Now, figure out what basics your kiddos need and watch for sales that pop up between now and the beginning of the school year. Find a great deal on pants? Buy two pairs. One that fits now and one that will fit in 6 months. 

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-to-School | Set the Table

4. Freeze some stuff. I like to have grab-and-go food and easy meals stocked in the freezer. Inevitably, I will find myself in a bind and without dinner planned. Or we will be headed out the door for swimming lessons and one or both of the boys will show signs of being hangry and I'll need to grab something quick for them to munch on. That's when these Pinch of Yum muffins come straight out of the freezer. Or when this pasta bake heads to the oven. Plan for the days when you need a break while you have the time. 

5. Donate. Gather up any toys your kids have outgrown and take them with your bags of clothes to donate. Don't leave them in your car for 6 months. Not that I've ever done that... 

6. Photos. All those sweet summer memories you've been making? Don't let those gems live on your devices! Get them organized, edited, and ready to print in an album. I love Chatbooks! Taking the time to organize your favorite summer photos may not make the process of going to school any easy, it does help put some closure on the season and it will give you the opportunity to look through these sweet memories in the cold of winter in a few months. 

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-to-School | Set the Table

7. Gifts for teachers. Before the school year begins, put together simple gift baskets for your kids' teachers. Speaking as a former teacher, even something has basic as some fancy hand sanitizer, hand lotion, and a candle can make the start of the year feel a bit lighter. 

That's it! Seven relatively easy things to accomplish in the last weeks of summer so you can face Back to School season with grace and ease. Or something like that. :) 

7 Easy Ways to Prepare for Back-To-School | Set the Table
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