Wasteless Wednesday | Compost Tips — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Wasteless Wednesday | Compost Tips

Wasteless Wednesday | Compost Tips

Every Wednesday, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways to work toward a zero waste 24 hours in the kitchen. These tips are easy to implement, affordable (anyone else a fan of saving $$$?), and kind to our planet.

Wasteless Wednesday | Compost Tips :: Not sure where to start with composting your kitchen scraps? It helps to start with an easy system! These TWO TIPS will help you get started on the right foot!

Welcome to another installment of Wasteless Wednesday! This is the second in what I hope will be many posts encouraging you, dear readers, to reduce waste in the kitchen. These posts will be short and sweet. Nothing super complicated and always something you can implement immediately to take better care of our planet! 

Todays tips are all about compost! It seems like such a simple thing, doesn't it? Take scraps of food, place them in a compost bin, and wait for them to turn into a nutrient rich additive for your garden. Right? Well...yes. That's right. I've been composting for about 4 years now and I've found a couple of things that really help make the process easier. 

1. Countertop Compost Bin. This pretty little bin is a game changer. If you're constantly having to carry piles of food scraps from the kitchen to an outdoor compost bin, you're less likely to do it. Trust me. That was me for the first year or so. But with this little addition to your kitchen, you can compost as you go and empty it all into your outdoor bin every day or so. Easy! This is the one that I have and it's been great.  

2. Food Scrap Compost Bag. Now that you've got your countertop bin, you'll want these bags to line it. DON'T WORRY, they are compostable! Hurray! Here's the deal: I didn't use them for a long time, but then I found my countertop bin difficult to keep clean/not smelly. These bags really saved me a lot of time and effort. These, which I order from Grove Collaborative, are my favorite! 

*There are NO referral links in this post. All opinions and tips are shared based on my own personal experience and they reflect exactly what I do in my home! 

Wasteless Wednesday | Bulk Pantry Items

Wasteless Wednesday | Bulk Pantry Items

Set the Table + Pure Barre Belmar | Pt. 3

Set the Table + Pure Barre Belmar | Pt. 3