Creating a Bookend to the School Year — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Creating a Bookend to the School Year

Creating a Bookend to the School Year

Right now, I’m sitting on my porch. I have a mug of hot coffee, a dog curled up at my feet, and a steady rain is falling. It’s the kind of rain that reminds me of Ireland. And of course, just as I sat down to do some reflective writing in these perfect conditions, everything fell apart inside my home while the husband was on a work call. Momming is at an all time high these days and if there was ever a time for some adventure, it is now! But since I can’t exactly go on a little excursion on my own, I take moments like these and soak them in as often as I can.

Speaking of things being different and weird and maybe a little outside the lines right now…I’ve been doing a lot of thinking around the last day of school. I know some friends who have already crossed that bridge for the school year, but I also know that plenty of us still have two weeks of school remaining before we are officially done with distance learning for the year. These last days are made even more poignant thanks to the memories popping up from years past.

Approaching what is usually a clear cut transition without any real bookend is unsettling. It feels strange and sad. And that’s ok. Feel it and don’t apologize. But when you’re done feeling it, consider creating your own bookend and making it extra fun and memorable. Because of all the years, this might be the one we should celebrate the most.

Creating a Bookend to the School Year | Set the Table

Our children are heroes. Our teachers are heroes. Parents, you are also heroes. None of this has been easy and it is worth celebrating what our children have accomplished through it all.

If you aren’t sure where to start or how to plan an end of the year shindig, you can subscribe to my monthly newsletter here and get my free Last Day of School Guide in your inbox. There are pages for notes, a checklist, and lots of simple tips to get your wheels turning so you can make the last day of school special for your whole family.

Another great resource? This podcast episode from The Lazy Genius.

And this blog has so much creative wonderfulness for inspiration!

If you’re looking for fun treats to make for your end of the school year celebrations, check here and here.

But the most important thing to remember is that this doesn’t have to be complicated. Do what you can and love on your kids. Take it one moment at a time as we ease into a different, simpler, slower summer. And be gentle with yourself.

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