Safe Self Care + The Seaweed Bath Co. — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Safe Self Care + The Seaweed Bath Co.

Safe Self Care + The Seaweed Bath Co.


*The Seaweed Bath Co. sponsored this post by sending product for me to try out. All opinions are my own and I did not receive additional payment for this post.

In case you missed it, we moved recently to Minnesota from Colorado. It’s been a wonderful transition overall, but it has also been completely crazy. We have been blessed with lots of visitors, a wonderful neighborhood full of kids for our boys to play with, and lots of family nearby to have Sunday dinners with. All of these things have made our hearts and calendars so full! That means there has been very little time for self-care for this mama. To solve that problem, I’ve started working in little treats that make me feel extra pampered during routine times of the day.

If you’ve been following me here and on Instagram for a while, you know that I’m all about choosing healthy food and beauty products for myself and my family. So when I received a bundle of products from The Seaweed Bath Co. to try out, I was thrilled! There is nothing I love more than trying out new products but it can be so hard to find something that meets my safe standards. Yep- I’m super picky and proud of it!

If you haven’t heard about The Seaweed Bath Co., then today is your lucky day because I have allllll the details! Ready? Great.

Seaweed is great for the skin and we have specifically chosen our core ingredient, bladderwrack seaweed, because it contains over 65 vitamins and minerals to help provide healthier-looking skin & hair.

  1. Their seaweed is sustainably hand-harvested off the coast of Maine in the summer months, when nutrient density is highest (I love this kind of transparency!)

  2. Their products are safe on sensitive skin and help moisturize and soothe all skin types (big win as we head into fall/winter and cooler temps!)

  3. Everything I’ve tried for my skin and hair has smelled wonderful and worked like a dream! I’m officially hooked.

Wondering where to start? I’ve gotcha covered! The Eucalyptus & Peppermint Balancing Shampoo and Conditioner has been a total dream for my hair. I don’t like things that weigh my hair down, but I still need some moisture. This balancing combo has been amazing and the smell is so lovely first thing in the morning or post-workout.


Looking for something special for your skin? I’d recommend a combo of a Body Scrub and Body Cream. My favorite is the Detox line in Awaken. The exfoliating body scrub uses…wait for it…WALNUT SHELLS. How cool is that? It also makes my skin feel super soft, smooth, and moisturized when I follow up with the body cream.

Moral of the story: If you’re feeling neglected for any reason, good or bad, take a couple minutes out of your day to treat yourself to something you can feel good about using. It doesn’t have to be a super fancy, long bath, or a trip to the nail salon. You can safely take care of yourself whenever you need it. YOU’RE WELCOME.

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