Checking in... — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

Checking in...

Checking in...

I was supposed to workout this morning even though my schedule dictates that on Mondays I work out. But last night, just before bed, a little voice in the back of my head told me to take the day off. So right now, I’m sitting in a sun filled corner of our house instead of rowing or running or lifting. And you know what? It is just what I needed.

I love having a routine. It keeps me grounded and somewhat organized, which is helpful for someone who gets a little (or a lot) off track thanks to a creative brain that wants to do everything all at once and is easily distracted. I need focus and predictability in my life. But, as with many things, moderation is key. When I woke up with tired, swollen eyes this morning, I knew I needed to step back and take it slow today. Because while exercising is essential to my physical and mental health, so is making space to write and think in peace. And those swollen eyes? Definitely a sign that my mind is working too hard rather than sleeping. Not helpful.

So today, I want you to check in with yourself. Is there a little voice telling you to take a step back? Maybe to simply close your eyes for 15 minutes instead of scroll through Instagram? Or maybe take the dogs for a walk instead of watch that Netflix show? Check in. Listen. Breathe. And remember that you don’t have to push at 110% all the time.

You might be surprised to find that taking a bit of space away from your routine can help you look at it with new eyes and fresh energy.

Be the person who...

Be the person who...

Safe Self Care + The Seaweed Bath Co.

Safe Self Care + The Seaweed Bath Co.