what we're listening to | podcasts for moms — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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what we're listening to | podcasts for moms

what we're listening to | podcasts for moms


I've been a little slow to the world of podcasts. I mean, I've known about them for a long time but never really took the time to find any that I truly wanted to listen to. But I'm one of those people who likes to have something else to focus on when I'm doing something I don't enjoy (cleaning bathrooms, doing dishes, vacuuming, doing laundry...you get the idea). Podcasts fit into my life really well at those times. I just stick my ear buds in and listen to something that makes me think in a way I don't do very often in between school drop offs and toddler tantrums. This "season of life", as they say, can be trying. But these podcasts help me do anything from simply taking a few quiet moments to collect my thoughts, to hearing about how other women are navigating their lives in the midst of parenting and running their own businesses. 

I'm only recently finding that I have the brain space to take in a podcast or two each day, so if you feel overwhelmed at the idea of setting aside time to focus on something like this, you have options! Not every podcast is an hour long. In the descriptions below, I've included a ballpark length of time for each podcast. Some episodes are as short as 5 minutes! Seriously! 

If you have any other recommendations that I haven't included here, I'd LOVE to hear them! I'm always on the lookout for new ones to add to the list. 

1. The Next Right Thing | approximately 30 minutes in length: This is my favorite of all the podcasts I listen to. Emily's voice is calming and I'm almost certain that she could be reading a horror story to me and I would still feel like she was willing me to relax with the soft tone of her voice. It's lovely. And, #bonus, the content of her episodes always helps me to stop and think. They are simple, to the point, and perfect for when you just need to take a moment for yourself. Tuesdays, when the new episodes are released, is my favorite day of the week. 

2. For the Love with Jen Hatmaker | 45 minutes - 1 hour in length: I first learned about Jen Hatmaker about a year ago. I have admired her from afar as she demonstrates strength and courage as a Christian woman navigating the complexity of our world with compassion and love for all people. Her podcast features a diverse group of fellow Christians from varying backgrounds and professions and it is ALWAYS entertaining, uplifting, and makes me think. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her big heart is evident in the way she shares herself with her listeners. Spoiler alert: her books are wonderful as well! 

3. Simple Families | 5 minutes-45 minutes: This podcast is perfect if you are looking for something family/parenting related that isn't mucked up with tons of stuff. Short. To the point. Thought provoking. 

4. Levar Burton Reads | approximately 45 minutes: And now, for something COMPLETELY different, this is for those of you who long for the days of Reading Rainbow when Levar Burton would take us into new worlds through books, on the television (I know...whoa). This podcast is wonderful when you need a distraction from life. The stories are gripping and have nothing to do with parenting or simplifying or anything "real life" related. Instead, for about 45 minutes of your day, you are transported to fascinating stories while you complete mundane tasks like scrubbing glitter glue out of the carpet. Yes, I did that today. 

I hope this short list of podcasts is helpful for you! I wanted to keep it short and sweet because if you're anything like me, you cannot keep up with a laundry list of podcasts any better than you can keep up with the actual laundry. I get it. Even if you pick only one of these podcasts to listen to, you'll be grateful. Sometimes, all we need is a little direction to help us focus on a task, think about new ideas, or use our imaginations. 

Now get those earbuds out and start listening! 

Podcasts for Moms
Set the Table + Pure Barre Belmar

Set the Table + Pure Barre Belmar

Handwritten Words

Handwritten Words