'Tis the Season: Christmas Cards! — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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'Tis the Season: Christmas Cards!

'Tis the Season: Christmas Cards!

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. All opinions are 100% my own!

This post is sponsored by Basic Invite. All opinions are 100% my own!

Every year, as Christmas cards from our friends and family start showing up in our mailbox, I start hanging them on the closet door at the front of our home. I love seeing the door fill up and looking at all the familiar faces smiling out at us. It’s nice to feel thought of in that way and to see how families change and grow year after year.

This year, we managed to get a good photo of the four of us. I set up my tripod in the field behind my parents’ house in Minnesota and somehow everyone looked at the camera at the exact right moment and had normal smiles on their faces. IT’S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. And a miracle like that deserves the most beautiful card, right?

A while back, I discovered Basic Invite and fell in love. So they were the first place I looked when it was time to put together our cards! I have been blown away at the options for customizing cards, the professionalism of the people who work with customers, and the quality of their products. It’s all a step above what I’ve experienced in the past and I will go back to them time and time again.

Another perk: their prices. No matter your budget, you can find something beautiful to send to your loved ones. Extra bonus: their Holiday cards are all 30% off right now!

A few other things to note:

  • your order will arrive in 5 business days, so you’ve got time!

  • you can personalize your cards by changing colors, adding foil details, and so much more!

  • Basic Invite can address your cards for FREE to save you time

Now that I have these beautiful cards in my hands, I'm excited to turn on a Christmas movie, make myself some hot chocolate, and sit down and hand-address each one. Yes, I could do that through Basic Invite, but I like the feeling of writing down each and every name in my own handwriting. I think it feels more personal and makes me feel more connected to the process. Anyone else feel that way?

Happy December, friends I hope you’re starting the month off with some special memories and good habits to take care of you during this busy time!

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