Spread Joy — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Spread Joy

Spread Joy

Spread Joy | Set the Table | We put out a table of goodies for our delivery friends every year. It makes them smile and hopefully makes this busy time of year a bit more joyful. #spreadjoy

I used to work in retail. More specifically, I worked at a grocery store for nearly a decade and spend almost 2 years at a big-box retailer. This time of year was a combination of exciting and exhausting that I don’t exactly miss. I remember loving the part where I got to chat with customers about their holiday plans and about how cold it was and about the incoming snow storms. But this season truly drained me. These days, I’m drained in other ways (isn’t that how it goes?) but I am always thinking of people who work retail or who deliver our presents and how much they are doing right now. Yes, it is their job. And yes, they get paid. But sometimes you need to be seen in a way that makes you feel appreciated.

A few years ago, my friend Kristen shared a photo of a little snack and beverage table she and her family set up outside their front door. It was for the delivery people who would likely be stopping by with packages throughout the holiday season. As soon as I saw her photo, I knew we had to do the same thing! This is our 3rd year setting up our little snack and water station and it has been such a joy. Our new mailman smiled and waved for the first time EVER yesterday. The UPS guy waited a little longer than usual at the door before heading back to his truck, reading our note and picking out a snack. I peeked out the window and saw a little smile on his face as he opened his bag of crackers before driving off.

Spread Joy | Set the Table #spreadjoy #christmas

It’s a small thing. But it makes a difference and spreads more joy. And that is something we all need more of, not less. So I want to encourage you all to do this at your house. It is fun to do with kiddos and takes just a few moments of time! If you do it, please share your photos with me here or on Instagram (tag @setthetableblog so I see them). Let’s see how much joy we can spread this season!

'Tis the Season: Christmas Cards!

'Tis the Season: Christmas Cards!

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My Favorite Beautycounter Gifts (Under $50)