Wasteless Wednesday | Produce Storage — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Wasteless Wednesday | Produce Storage

Wasteless Wednesday | Produce Storage

Every Wednesday, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways to work toward a zero waste 24 hours in the kitchen. These tips are easy to implement, affordable (anyone else a fan of saving $$$?), and kind to our planet.

I think my favorite thing about grocery shopping is looking at in-season produce. Sometimes, that’s how I decide what I’m making for dinner. Finding the freshest, most vibrant things to put in my basket is something I never take for granted. Now, to get my children as excited as I am about picking veggies… 

One thing I don’t love is all the plastic I end up needing to bag my produce. I mean, it’s really difficult to think about what else you could possibly do with your fruit and veggies when you have a 3 year old and a 6 year old playing tag around the apple crates, but with a little planning ahead, you can have a plastic-free option ready to use any time you go to the store! 

These bags are easy to toss in with your other reusable grocery bags and since they’re cotton, they’re easy to toss in the washing machine as needed! 

Ready to go all in? Might as well go for this set of 10 cotton and mesh reusable bags! 

Worried you’ll forget to bring these to the store with you? Here’s a trick I use with all of my reusable grocery bags: any time you use them, unload them and then put them directly in your car unless they need to be washed. That way, the next time you go to the store they’ll be there for you! I know. Not rocket science. But it works!

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12 Days of Self Care | Meditate

Wasteless Wednesday | People to Follow

Wasteless Wednesday | People to Follow