Healthy Strawberry Almond Smoothie — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Healthy Strawberry Almond Smoothie

Healthy Strawberry Almond Smoothie

Energizing Strawberry Almond Smoothie | Set the Table
Energizing Strawberry Almond Smoothie | Set the Table

I have big plans for the weekend. We are going to be baking cookies and delivering them to our friends. We are going to be wrapping presents while drinking hot chocolate. We are going to be watching Christmas movies while eating popcorn. We are going to have the best time ever. Admittedly, this won't be the healthiest weekend ever, but I am doing what I can to create balance by incorporating plenty of veggie-based meals and healthy smoothies to make sure we are still getting the things our bodies need. It's a tough job but someone has to do it. This Strawberry Almond Smoothie recipe makes my job a lot easier, that's for sure. Sweet strawberries, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a couple tablespoons of almond butter, and a healthy dose of wheat germ make this healthy smoothie a tasty, nutrient-packed hit (even with the super picky 3 year old). That makes me happy amidst the seemingly endless stream of Christmas cookies.

This year, we are not traveling anywhere for the holidays. We are staying home, getting ready for baby, praying that the snow they are forecasting for Denver in the days leading up to and including Christmas actually happens, and spending some last precious moments as a family of 3. I think just last night it hit me that this new little one of ours will be here VERY soon. I've been aware of the timing, obviously, but it really sunk in last night and now I'm giddy/terrified/anxious about this little boy's arrival. We bought a big boy bed for our 3 year old last weekend and having that set up has been good. He's getting used to having two beds in his room, since he'll be sharing the space eventually, and very sweetly places his blankie in his baby brother's bed on occasion. The fact that he is so thrilled to be a big brother is a huge help for my sanity. Although, we are in the thick of the terrible 3's (terrible 2's are a lie, by the way) and that often triggers a little panic for us parents. It will all work out, I'm sure. We'll survive, just as we did during those first difficult weeks with our first baby. Will it be hard? Absolutely. Can it be done? Oh, yes. Will there be so much more love to go around? So. Much.

My priorities go something like this right now: spend as much time as possible with the guy in the photo above; take afternoon naps; do yoga; take baths; don't freak out. And in the midst of all of that I'm working on putting together posts for the blog so I don't leave you all hanging while I'm a sleep-deprived, mommy zombie. You're welcome...? Some days are easier than others, but generally life is good. I mean, look at those little hands wrapped around that smoothie. Need I say more? Sweetness.

I hope you are all staying calm and cool during this time of holiday rushing around. I hope you are treating those around you with as much kindness as you can muster, despite the frustrations that may come your way. And I hope you are finding time to tend to and nurture your mind and body to help you survive it all with grace. Cheers!

Healthy Strawberry-Almond Smoothie

Makes 2 large smoothies

10 oz frozen strawberries

1 large banana

1 1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk

2 tablespoons almond butter

2 tablespoons wheat germ

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately!

*Note: I don't feel the need for additional sweeteners in this smoothie thanks to the strawberries and banana, but if you're looking for a little more (and trying to stay away from sugar) I recommend adding a little honey, maple syrup, or 1 pitted date to the smoothie.

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