Healthy Eggnog Overnight Oats — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Healthy Eggnog Overnight Oats

Healthy Eggnog Overnight Oats

Six weeks. In only six weeks we will be welcoming a very tiny little baby into our family. Well, let's be honest...based on the weight of #1 at birth (8.9 pounds to be exact) he may not be too tiny. Still, that seems like a pretty short amount of time. I spent some time last night looking through pictures of Riley when he was born in Tokyo and I kept going between moments of glee to have a newborn and moments of complete terror to have two kids instead of just one. I am told that these feelings are completely normal. I suppose you wade through the waters of having 2 kids the same way to do when you have your first. Just keep plugging along doing the best you can and making sure everyone is still alive at the end of the day. I suppose that means I have to be even more purposeful with the way I start my day to make sure it ends well. It's a good thing I've discovered overnight oats. Hello, easy! And these healthy eggnog overnight oats are perfect for the holidays.

Healthy Overnight Eggnog Oats | Set the Table
Healthy Overnight Eggnog Oats | Set the Table

I like to make my overnight oats with almond milk, which is why my recent (and perhaps a bit behind the curve) discovery of eggnog made with almond milk inspired me to add a little holiday spin to an otherwise very basic breakfast. The flavor is wonderful and, to add some extra creaminess, I added a little vanilla yogurt. The regular kind, not Greek. Though I'm sure whatever you have on hand would be fine.

Healthy Eggnog Oats | Set the Table
Healthy Eggnog Oats | Set the Table

Now, let's talk about my favorite part of any meal: the add-ons. I sprinkle plenty of ground cinnamon over my oats (random pregnancy craving plus cinnamon is just plain delicious), along with toasted walnuts and sweet raisins. I like to go a little heavy handed on the toppings to give a little variety to the texture of my oatmeal but you can of course do as you please to suit your tastes. I've been thinking about how delicious (and slightly sinful) this recipe would be with crumbled ginger snaps on top. Am I crazy? Sure. Is that so bad? Depends on who you ask.

My sister is coming to visit today (squeeeeee!) and I'll definitely be giving this to her for breakfast. What could be better than a comforting bowl of oatmeal for holiday guests? Not much, if you ask me. Rebecca and I will be having a Sister Christmas Celebration since we won't be together for the actual holiday this year and eggnog flavored things seems like the perfect way to kick things off. I'll also be freaking her out with the crazy ninja moves the little baby in my belly makes all day every day. It's gonna be awesome.

Healthy Eggnog Overnight Oats

Makes 2 Servings

  • 2/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup almond milk eggnog (or reduced fat egg nog. or just almond milk.)
  • 1/3 cup vanilla or plain yogurt
  • 1/3 cup toasted walnuts
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (sounds like a lot...totally worth it)

Combine the oats, nog and yogurt (in that order) in a jar. Do not stir, simply cover with a tight fitting lid and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, stir the oatmeal and transfer to a bowl. At this point, if you'd like it warm (which is totally optional but extra comforting) microwave it for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Top with the walnuts, raisins and cinnamon and enjoy!

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