Cocktail Friday: Cucumber Basil Gimlet — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Cocktail Friday: Cucumber Basil Gimlet

Cocktail Friday: Cucumber Basil Gimlet

Cucumber Basil Cocktail Recipe :: Set the Table
Cucumber Basil Cocktail Recipe :: Set the Table

There has never been a time when leaving my family behind in Minnesota as I fly (or sometimes drive) to wherever I happen to be living at the time is easy. It's just not an easy thing to do. Saying "good bye" or "see you later" or any other form of that sentiment is my least favorite thing to do. I had a happy childhood growing up where I did. My parents, sister and I got along wonderfully 99% of the time and still do. I love Minnesota with it's many lakes, green summers and snowy white, bitterly cold winters. I love it all.

Cucumber Basil Gimlet Recipe :: Set the Table
Cucumber Basil Gimlet Recipe :: Set the Table

Yes, leaving is difficult. It used to seem like a bad thing until I realized something: the fact that I have a family that I love to spend time with and a beautiful place to visit and relive childhood memories makes me one of the luckiest people ever. I'm glad that I'm sad to leave instead of itching to go. And when I am back in Minnesota, I get to enjoy views like this one from the comfort of my parents' backyard:


So, for my last Cocktail Friday post from Minnesota (until next time) I'm sharing a drink made with fresh ingredients from my parents' garden. My mom picked the basil, I think Riley may have picked the cucumber (whenever he doesn't pick a green tomato we have a mini celebration), and the flavors work wonderfully with some Minnesota vodka and fresh lime juice.

Cucumber Basil Gimlet :: Set the Table
Cucumber Basil Gimlet :: Set the Table

I never know for sure when I'll be back, but I always know that when I'm with my family we will laugh til we cry, eat good food, and generally love one another as we always have.

Cheers to that.

Colorado, I'll see you soon!

Cucumber Basil Vodka Gimlet :: Set the Table
Cucumber Basil Vodka Gimlet :: Set the Table

Cucumber Basil Gimlet


  • 4 cucumber slices (plus extra for garnish)
  • 5 or 6 basil leaves
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 3 ounces vodka (I prefer Prairie vodka)


  1. In the bottom of a cocktail shaker, muddle the cucumber slices and basil leaves with the lime juice. Add the rest of the ingredients, fill the shaker with ice, and shake for about 30 seconds. Strain into a cocktail glass over ice. Garnish with a slice of cucumber.
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