Campari-Basil Mojito — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

Campari-Basil Mojito

Campari-Basil Mojito

Campari Basil Mojito
Campari Basil Mojito

When I was a kid, my family would go camping on Lake Superior near Split Rock Lighthouse at the beginning of July. It was so much fun. My mom would make the most elaborate camping meals: lasagna, cheesecake, spaghetti & meatballs- we were quite spoiled. We would sit around the campfire, the four of us, enjoying the quiet mystery of the trees and the quirky yet comforting smell of smoke and bug spray. (There were lots of black flies and the Minnesota State Bird, mosquitoes, buzzing around at all hours so bug spray was a must!)

Sometimes, we would time the trip so that we could drive into Duluth to see the fireworks on the 4th of July. Surprisingly, I don't remember much about the fireworks, but I remember the long line of cars we would sit in as we crawled out of the parking lot at a glacial pace. My sister and I would usually fall asleep in the backseat before we even made it to the main road.

When we lived in Japan, we always got our fireworks fix at the Obon Matsuri (read more about festivals in Japan here). The festivals were amazing with delicious food but the fireworks were spectacular. Like nothing I've ever seen. Here are a few photos of our last Obon festival:


This year, we will be here in Denver and will stay close to home, grilling hamburgers and drinking cocktails in the backyard with our family. I'm not sure if fireworks will be a part of the festivities or not, but I do know this cocktail will be.

And before you say anything, I know. It isn't Friday. Today is Wednesday. I hope I didn't cause anyone to think they missed the 4th of July or somehow, magically, made it to Friday without even noticing the days prior. Since many of you will be taking a vacation day on Friday and will likely be celebrating Independence Day if you're here in the U.S. or just celebrating one of the first, true summer weekends elsewhere, I thought it would be appropriate to give you this cocktail recipe a little early.

Campari Cocktail Ideas
Campari Cocktail Ideas

I found a recipe for a Campari mojito on Campari's website. Then I got to thinking about what an insane amount of basil I already have so early in the summer, wondering if that would suffice in place of the mint. To make a long story short, I'll make it with basil rather than mint every single time. The sweet, licorice flavor of the basil works beautifully with the bitter Campari. It also make a visually stunning cocktail perfect for serving at your 4th of July celebration. There's even a little red, white and blue happening here with my glass. SCORE.

What are you up to for this holiday week? Any fabulous fireworks displays I need to hear about?

Campari Cocktail Recipe
Campari Cocktail Recipe

Campari-Basil Mojito


  • 2 oz Campari
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 oz lime juice
  • 1/4 cup basil leaves, loosely packed
  • Basil leaves for garnish


  1. In the bottom of a cocktail shaker or glass, add the brown sugar, lime juice and 1/4 cup basil leaves. Muddle together with a muddler or a spoon until the sugar has mostly dissolved into the lime juice and there is a nice basil scent released from the leaves.
  2. Add the Campari and stir well to combine.
  3. Fill a Collins glass or other glass with crushed ice.
  4. Pour the Campari-basil mixture over the ice and top with a splash of sparkling water. Serve with basil leaves for garnish.
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Sweet & Salty Chinese 5 Spice Popcorn

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