Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk

Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk

Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk | Set the Table #nutmilk #cashewmilk #nondairymilk #homemade #recipe

I'm obsessed with making my own cashew milk. It is so creamy and deliciously satisfying in coffee, tea, or even cereal. And the accomplishment I feel from making my own cashew milk is a little ridiculous. But we find our joy wherever we can, am I right? One of the best discoveries I've made is using toasted cashews. The flavor boost is amazing!

Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk | Set the Table #cashewmilk #homemadenutmilk #recipe #toastedcashewmilk #nondairy #nosugaradded #whole30

You don't need a bunch of fancy supplies to make your own nut milk, but I would suggest having the following:

I've also found that soaking the cashews overnight is not 100% necessary. It does result in a creamier cashew milk, but tossing them in the blender without presoaking works perfectly well! 

Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk

Makes 3-3 1/2 cups

  • 1/2 cup cashews
  • 3 1/2 cups water
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of cinnamon
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spread the cashews on a rimmed baking sheet in a single layer and toast until golden brown and fragrant, about 7-9 minutes. 
  2. Transfer the cashews to your blender and top with the water. Add salt and cinnamon, then blend until smooth, 2-3 minutes. 
  3. Set your nut milk bag over a large (4 cup size) liquid measuring cup (this helps for transferring the milk to your storage container). Pour the milk from the blender through the bag. Carefully lift the bag out of the measuring cup and squeeze the pulp to release as much liquid as possible. Discard the pulp. 
  4. Pour the finished cashew milk into a container with an airtight lid and keep in the fridge for up to one week. 

*Note: seperation is natural! Just give the milk a few shakes before using and you're good to go! 

Homemade Toasted Cashew Milk | Set the Table #cashewmilk #homemade #nutmilk #recipe #whole30 #nosugaradded #dairyfree #glutenfree
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