Take care of each other. Spread Joy. — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Take care of each other. Spread Joy.

Take care of each other. Spread Joy.

Take care of each other. Spread Joy. | Set the Table

Hi all! It has been quiet around here as I try to navigate the best, most thoughtful way to continue serving you in this space. I’m still working through it, as many people are, but I wanted to start by offering a way to spread joy in a time when that might seem hard to find.

If you're like me, you find yourself feeling helpless. Aside from staying home, it is hard to see what we can do to help. This has been at the forefront of my thoughts and I am excited to share some ideas for how we can help those who need our support most!

Over the past week and a half, we have spent a lot of time talking to friends on FaceTime. Many of them work in the health industry and are not able to stay home with their families. They come home at the end of a long day and immediately change their clothes and wash their hands for the 365th time that day. They are tired, their hands are raw, and so are their emotions. Sure, being home with our families right now is a challenge because we feel trapped. But for a lot of folks out there, they would do just about anything to be in a position to stay home.

What Can We Do?

The biggest thing we can do to help? Literally STAY HOME. Do not go out to the store unless absolutely necessary. No play dates (ugh- I know). No exceptions. Is it hard? YES. Will it help save lives by taking strain off our hospitals? ABSOLUTELY. Is it worth it? 100%.

Another Way to Help

If you know a health care worker, teacher, grocery store employee, etc, who is working hard right now to keep us cared for, keeping our children on track with their learning, and keeping us fed, please consider sending them a small gift. I've put together my top recommendations in this post along with links for easy ordering. 

Now, more than ever, it is important for us to share what we can and to take care of each other. Thank you for anything you can do for the people who cannot stay home.

Yes, what we are dealing with right now is bigger than any beauty product can repair. But if we are able to spread a little joy here and there, I think we should grab at the chance. 

Here are my suggestions for you to make life a little brighter for someone you know (or maybe it is yourself!) who is out there working hard to help in this uncertain time. All you need to do is add the item(s) you want to your cart and, if you are sending it to someone else, put their name and address in the Shipping Info section.

Send a gift:

Reach out:

  • Send a text or email to check in on your friends in these high stress jobs. Just hearing from you and knowing they are seen can be a huge mood-lifter.

  • Send them a picture showing that you are STAYING HOME. 100% of my friends who are in the medical field have said the best thing you can do is practice proper social distancing. That doesn’t mean bending the rules, it means following them strictly so they can do their job and save lives.

I’m thinking of you all right now and hoping you are staying healthy and finding a little joy in this time. It is out there, I promise. And don’t forget: it’s ok to not be ok. There is no “perfect” way to weather this storm except to stay home and take care of our people. The rest is, well, flexible.

Love to you all.

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