Early Autumn Snow — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Early Autumn Snow

Early Autumn Snow

Early Autumn Snow

It snowed last week. It wasn’t just a random dusting of snow either. We were blanketing in 7 inches of heavy, wet white stuff that still hasn’t completely melted. I’ll admit, even I, a die-hard lover of winter, had a difficult time feeling OK with this turn of events so early in the season. But I cannot ignore that it was stunningly beautiful watching the snow pile up on the bright red, orange, and yellow leaves still clinging to the trees. We played outside, cozied up by the fire with blankets and hot chocolate, and appreciated the moment for what it was.

Early Autumn Snow | Set the Table

If I’ve learned anything over the past 6 months, it is the power of looking for beauty in everything. I’ve found beauty in watching those around me wear masks, in the way delivery people step back from the door to allow space when they drop something off, and I’ve found intense beauty in the way many people have awoken to the issues they’ve been privileged to turn away from for too long. There is actual beauty in it all. Pain and difficulty, too. But a lot of beauty. 

So, like snow on the bright red leaves of our maple tree before Halloween, I’m looking for ways to appreciate it all. I hope this serves as a reminder for you to do the same. 

Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

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