5 Reasons to Head to the Barre — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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5 Reasons to Head to the Barre

5 Reasons to Head to the Barre

5 Reasons to Head to the Barre | Set the Table #barre #purebarre #healthyandstrong #healthymom

I’ve heard from a lot of you since I started posting about my experience at Pure Barre. It’s been such an amazing journey and one I hope will continue for a long time! I’ve had great results (strong and healthy is the goal!) and I wanted to share the top 5 reasons I think you should try barre classes. Even if you are heavily involved in another form of exercise, barre classes can benefit you! Read on to learn more and add your thoughts in the comments!

Engage your core will finally make sense! Any time someone told me to engage my core during a workout, I felt like saying, “You mean attempt to engage my marshmallow middle?” I was never able to connect that idea in my mind to my body. When I started taking barre classes, I realized a couple of things: understanding how to tuck properly (a term used frequently in every class) I was naturally engaging my core. Because of that, my core strength increased and I was able to feel that strength and consciously engage those muscles. This is a BIG change for me and has helped me in other workouts outside of barre. And guess what? When you engage your core properly, it actually makes many exercises MUCH easier. 

Low impact workouts are more sustainable. When I injured myself after climbing a 14er a couple of months ago, it became clear to me that finding a low impact way to move my body was necessary. Not just for the short term, but for years to come. I want to be that strong woman in her 60s walking tall and taking barre classes like a boss! I honestly don’t believe I could do that with most other forms of exercise. 

Healthy, strong, and lean muscles can be accomplished in a short period of time. In just 3 months of barre, I was able to lose inches and gain strength. Seeing results like that is such a motivator! I don’t weight myself, but I do take out my tape measure from time to time and it is quite a mood lifter to see the numbers decrease. 

Built in TRIBE of amazing women. Making friends as grown women can be hard. I don’t think we talk about that enough. One of the most surprising things about my time at Pure Barre Belmar has been the kindness so many women have shown me. I truly did not see that coming and I am so happy to have made connections with some confident, strong women of all ages. Becoming a healthier person means finding a community that will support you in that endeavor. 

Improved posture. With all of the time we spend hunched over laptops and phones, it is no wonder we have posture problems. I’ve noticed that my posture has improved greatly since joining barre and it has been much easier to sit/stand up straight. When I was a kid in church choir, we used to have something called Posture Person at every rehearsal. It was such a big deal when we got recognized for having perfect posture and I kind of wish we had something similar as adults! But if we can’t have Posture Person, at least barre can get us back on track.  

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