Why I Broke Up With My Scale — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Why I Broke Up With My Scale

Why I Broke Up With My Scale

Why I Broke Up With My Scale | Set the Table #healthyandstrong #healthymom #bodyimage #nonscalevictories

A little over a year ago, I broke up with my scale. I was laying on my bed crying because I hated the number that stared back at me just moments before in the bathroom. It brought me down and made me feel like a fat, sloppy failure. It was there, at that very low place, when I decided it was time to remove this toxic relationship from my life. Since I was about 15 or 16, I let the scale tell me whether or not my body was beautiful or worthy of being loved by anyone, let alone myself. So, I cut the cord. 

For me, taking the scale out of my life allowed me to gauge my physical health on how I felt rather than whether that stupid number had gone up or down. Fortunately, it was a clean break. I haven't back-slid. I've filled my time concentrating on how strong and healthy I feel through food and exercise instead of through counting calories, weighing my food, and depriving myself. I realize these things work extremely well for other people, but for me, it's better to learn to listen to my body and give it what it needs. 

I'm sharing this because since removing that toxic relationship with my scale, I have gone from a size 12 to a size 6. I feel better than I ever have about my body. Instead of hiding from the mirror when I step out of the shower, I face my WHOLE SELF without shame. That is worth it all. And I have NO CLUE how much I weigh. And that's fine with me! 

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