Adventure is... — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


I’m so glad you’re here.

I hope you’ll stay a while and read some stories, browse some of my favorite recipes, and feel free to be yourself.

Adventure is...

Adventure is...


​I'm off adventuring again! It's slightly less exciting than my trip to Ireland, but no less good for my soul. This adventure is happening in Wilmington, Delaware while the husband is attending a conference. I'm realizing that the term "adventure" can mean a lot of different things. From the travel we take, to the food we eat, to the sleep we get, adventure can take many unexpected forms.


Move spent a lot of time alone on this trip and it's amazing how healing that can be. My brain feels sharper, my smile feels bigger, and I'm remembering to look around and appreciate different people and places.


I still have two more days to enjoy, but so far this adventure has included:

  • Flying solo
  • Enjoying an amazing meal at the same restaurant two days in a row
  • Walking several miles with no particular destination in mine
  • Sitting down without staring my phone
  • Room service for breakfast
  • Sleeping for 11 solid hours
  • Drinking a latte
  • Saying hello to strangers
  • Strangers saying hello to me
  • Seeing all the good that is out there
  • Not reading the news

What does adventure mean for you right now, today?

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7 Days at the Lake | Minnesota

Change the Narrative

Change the Narrative