Spread Kindness With Your Advent Calendar | PRINTABLE — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Spread Kindness With Your Advent Calendar | PRINTABLE

Spread Kindness With Your Advent Calendar | PRINTABLE

Our Advent Calendar is that string of knit mittens. I LOVE it. We got it from Garnet Hill. They don't have this one anymore, but here is a link to another adorable one that happens to be 50% off as of 12/13/17! 

Our Advent Calendar is that string of knit mittens. I LOVE it. We got it from Garnet Hill. They don't have this one anymore, but here is a link to another adorable one that happens to be 50% off as of 12/13/17! 

I realize this post is coming about 2 weeks late. How about we all just roll with it, ok? 

I posted about our Advent Calendar today on my personal facebook page and on Instagram and I did not anticipate the interest in what we are doing this year. Since I know coming up with things to do with an advent calendar can be a real struggle, I wanted to provide a printable list of ways to do one small thing each day to spread kindness and joy throughout the season of Advent. That list, plus some additional tips and tricks, are just under this photo of my sweet boy decorating a big paper hug he will be mailing to a lucky member of our family. #myheart 


A couple things:

  • It isn't too late to start! Just pick the things you want to do in the next week and a half (!) and go for it. Also, you can just stretch this into the beginning of 2018 to start your year off on the right foot. I won't tell on you if you don't fit all of this into what is left of Advent, promise! 
  • These can get overwhelming if you are juggling school schedules, work, etc. But I would encourage you to do all the activities, even if you do a bunch of them over the weekend because you didn't have time during the week. Some of the activities only take a moment, while others take a bit of planning and time.
  • Use my list as a guide and adjust it as needed to fit your schedule or to inspire new ideas! The last thing this should do is add stress to your already busy life. No one needs more stress. We all need to spread more kindness. So do what you can to make it fit and to make it easy.  
  • I still include a small piece of candy or a little toy for each of my sons. They can have it after we've read and talked about the kind deed for that day. 
  • Feel free to print off the list I made below! Just cut out each task and stick the strip of paper in your advent calendar. To print, just drag the image to your desktop.  
Spread Kindness Advent Calendar
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