Nap time isn't an option. — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Nap time isn't an option.

Nap time isn't an option.

It's not my best work, artistically speaking, but it's doing the trick to make nap time successful!  

It's not my best work, artistically speaking, but it's doing the trick to make nap time successful!  

Nap time has been a struggle here for the past couple of weeks. The 3 year old is diabolical, really. He plays this game where he tugs at my heart strings by saying things like, "Will you please snuggle me for a little while?" Or, "Will you stay here for twelve minutes?" Emphasis on 'twelve'. Or, my personal favorite, "Don't go! Because I love you too much!" Yep. Diabolical. 

The result of all this business has been an emotionally confused mother and a sleep deprived preschooler. So, this week I've decided the shenanigans are coming to an end. I ADORE when my non-snuggler-since-birth wants to nuzzle his sweet head into the crook of my neck. You have no idea how much I adore that. But I also adore how sweet and well-behaved he is when he has gotten enough rest. It's a tough battle, to say the least. But this week it will be under control because I've got STICKERS. 

 (Instert hysterical/evil laughter here.) 

This sticker chart, even two days in, has made a world of difference. We will have to see if its success holds up throughout the week, but I'm hopeful thus far.  

I haven't mentioned this much on the blog, but I actually have some teaching experience. A Masters in Elementary Ed and several years in the classroom, to be exact. The masters was worth it simply for the way it has helped me parent. The sticker chart is a small thing, but the structure and purpose behind it offer security and familiarity. Those things are so important at this age and will continue to be as Riley goes through his schooling. Good stuff.   

More to come on this. Until then, what are your best strategies for nap time success? 

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