Avocado, Yogurt & Basil Baby Food | RECIPE — Set the Table Photography
Rachael | Set the Table


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Avocado, Yogurt & Basil Baby Food | RECIPE

Avocado, Yogurt & Basil Baby Food | RECIPE


I've fallen in love with Mondays. It's the only day of the week where the kids and I have zero places to be and we can take some time to rest after a busy weekend. Mondays are also my time to create our weekly meal plan, whip up some batches of baby food, and tidy up the house. We take it slow. I drink a couple cups of coffee. There is Sesame Street, playing in the backyard, and reading books with my sweet boys. Mondays are not too shabby at this stage.

This Monday should be particularly nice because we are still adjusting to the time change and coming down from the sugar high that is Halloween. We are all taking it easy and I'm keeping our food simple, including the baby food. Braden is getting a batch of avocado, yogurt & basil today, so I thought I'd pop in and share the recipe with you all! This is one of the easiest recipes in the world and was a fast favorite in our house. 

And while we are chatting about baby food, here is my very favorite bib from Prairie Love Organic. It's soft, adorable, and handmade! My friend Jacqueline sent this sweet bib to me not long after Braden was born and it has been wonderful. It washes beautifully (requirement!) and just gets softer with each use.


So, give yourself a break today and do something simple to take care of yourself and/or your kiddos. This recipe makes a lovely base for smoothies (just toss in a banana and some almond milk and you are all set), so you can make extra for yourself!

Avocado, Yogurt & Basil Baby Food

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1/3 cup full fat, plain yogurt
  • 1/4 cup loosely packed basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and pulse until smooth. Add water, formula or breastmilk to adjust the texture to your baby's liking. Best used the same day you make it.

*Note: This recipe makes enough for 2 servings for my 9 1/2 month old.

For more baby food ideas, check out 21 Best Easy as 1-2-3 DIY Baby Food Recipes!

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